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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

This is Wednesday

(February 19, 2003)

Okay, I do not remember ever seeing so much fucking snow. In my cognizant memory. I mean, there's pictures of me and my brother from 1978 but...I don't really REMEMBER that. Holy. Fuck.

Hub woke me up at around 12:20 on Monday (I'd been up all night) with the advice to "move the car!" Godammit. You have to park on the odd side of the street in Somerville during a snow emergency, or else the Tow Orcs will confiscate your shit right quick. And I am NOT going to another Somerville tow yard if I can help it-- interacting with those creatures in their lair (always a smelly, drafty little flourescent-lit pit of old pizza and greed) is like peeling back a section of reality and peering into the pathetic desperation of purgatory on earth. *Shudder* Just NO. So first I had to get the key back from Laura, who you can't get away from without getting hugged no matter what the situation, even if you just woke up ten minutes ago and have shucked on sweatpants and mismatched socks and three sweaters over whatever you were just drooling on in your sleep. She'd borrowed my car Sunday night because Neil had her car because of...something..about...something, I don't really care. So anyway I, cranky and annoyed, moved my car, half asleep. I cleaned off a couple inches of snow and drove it about a hundred yards. In that time, it had snowed enough to dust the rear window. "We," I thought, "are so screwed."

A little while later Otto's Daughter called. They of COURSE couldn't dig out and come from New York to play Tuesday night (which at the time was the next night but at this time was last night). In case you forgot or are new, I'm booking shows under the guise of Low Budget Superhero. The present focus is on the Tuesday residency of All the Queen's Men.

LAST Tuesday, it was a family emergency that caused one of the bands to cancel, requiring some fast thinking and cajoling phone calls to find a replacement. Resulting in one more reason to be in awe of Shaun Wolf Wortis.

NEXT Tuesday, it was...I'm not really sure, some special kind of stupid...that caused one of the bands to cancel, requiring fast thinking and cajoling phone calls to find a replacement. (The replacement is LIFESTYLE!! Yay!! Dudes, nothing against Zia, but I wanted Lifestyle originally, yo. I believe Jungle Sweet Jungle has contained the words "Sean T. Drinkwater" and "I" and "love" before, in some random order or other, no?)

THIS Tuesday, it was Mother Freakin' Nature. Bitch. No Otto's Daughter. So much for planning the damn thing four months in advance. But Medea Connection jumped in for me (forever indebted) and it was great. Oh and [munk] also still freakin' rules. Check the shit out, I'm SAYIN'.

Hmmmm. You know what's weird? I just realized that The West Wing is on over my shoulder again. Didn't I just write an entry whilst half-watching The West Wing? Weird. THIS time Charlie is telling the boyfriend (remember, French and handsome and some kind of royalty?) that Zoe doesn't like having her picture taken. The guy drawls "She likes haveeng eet taken weeth me." Oooooooooh, that chaps my ass. That just makes me get all SLAPPY. I feel like SLAPPIN' somebody.

I should either watch more TV, or less.

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