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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

All I Wanna Do...

(August 22, 2007)

All I wanna do is write in my damn diary.

It's nearly 2am and I've taken a Tylenol PM so I can get up early for work, so I don't have much time. This here entry is a placeholder. A placeholder, get it? To hold my place. In life, as it were. I'ma come back later and write up:

  • Why I am growing closer to saying, "bills be damned, I'm getting a laptop."
  • Why I forgot to write back to Jess, Kenneth and Adam even though their emails were so nice.
  • How many hours I slept last weekend and the "cold" that made me faceplant like a dead person.
  • My new gym schedule.
  • No really, I mean it this time.
  • What it's like to have lunch with someone you haven't seen in 22 years. Wait'll Hub hears about THIS.
  • Why, on my desk at work, there are, unmailed, two birthday cards, one "you're having a baby" card, one "you HAD a baby" card and one card you can only read if you know the Russian dialect in which it was written.
  • What made me read the dumbest book ever written by and for adults.
  • The truth about my left eyelashes and where they are now.

    If I don't get back to this by Thursday, 7pm EST, go to www.radioyouboston.com and stream my radio show called "Rock Around Boston." It's nice.

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