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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

Zoning Out At Skybar On A Thursday Night

(January 04, 2007)

Tonight I went to Skybar for the first time in ages. Totally, ages. I think I was last there on my birthday two years ago, for HUMANWINE, on an Anderson Mar-booked Dark Sky night. Well now Anderson is booking the place full time instead of just sporadically, so she's hoping to make it a scene. I thought it would end up all-mega-crappy-goth-bands (no offense, Anders) but it's not -- she's doing a great job so far, embracing a good cross-section of Boston bands. It would be good to see Skybar become a thing.

Side note: I just don't understand this town's issue about Skybar. Skybar gets the "boo, it's in the middle of nowhere" crap line all the time. Yet it has the exact same fucking specs as the Abbey. It's on a bus line, with a train stop exactly one mile away, across from a convenience store, with a restaurant nearby. How is it any different from going to the Abbey? Lame-asses. Go to Skybar, you dipshits. OH, wah, there's nowhere to play. Well this is a great music venue. Use it or lose it. Great Scott was once a dark horse, too, now it's the shit and you can't get a show there.

Tonight's foray was at the suggestion of Sooz, to catch The Lights Out. They're one of the new bands I met through the ever-impressively useful Rock and Roll Social.

It was a good set. One of these scrappy power trios. I like 'em. The only thing was that was my, let's see, second day up and around after the Plague got me, plus I had been inexplicably up all night.

In the interest of Vitamin C I nursed an Orange Stoli & OJ. The bartender went light on the OJ.

So I'm watching the band, taking a few notes, kind of tuning in to the band and then tuning out, to my own inner monologue. In the interest of documenting it for you, I wrote this down in my little notebook. This is what was in my head:

Wow, I'm watching this show and all I am thinking is that this guy gives good guitar face. Is this the guy the Social girls were calling hot? He is kinda hot. Nice shoulders, like Joe. Joe has great shoulders. Ha, guitar face. I wonder if I should start writing reviews as Guitar Face? I wonder if guitarface.com is already taken. I think I see Ad Frank. No, that's not him. Ad would never wear his hair like that except for the sake of irony. Why am I feeling up my new shoulder bag. What's this pocket. What's THIS pocket. Oh, this is where my cell phone would be if I had one. And this is where my ipod would be if I had one. This song sounds like 867-5309. Ny-ee-iii-un.

Then they were done and I left. I got Chinese food next door and hailed a cab and went home.

So here I am.


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