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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

Merry Crapness

(January 02, 2007)

Holy mother of fuck. I feel like I've been hit by a giant payloader full of hot snot. Did you get this cold that's going around right now? I mean holy mother of all that blows big phlegmy chunks, this was a bad one.

And in my case, couldn't be LESS FUCKING FAIR. Because, you know, all year since December 2005 when I took off Christmas week, other than the occasional "sick day"* I haven't had any significant vacation time. And most of that 2005 one, though it counted as vacation time, was consumed with tense and chaotic Christmas traveling, on somebody else's schedule, to New Jersey and New York, so it barely counts as vacation. And some portions of it were pure work, baby.

So this year, I was really surprised that we didn't end up going out of state, so I thought...could this really be...wait, can I do it? Is it possible to take the time...off? Really off? Really really?

But I did it. I made us close the office Dec 26 (one has that kind of pull in a tiny start-up) and then I took off Wednesday thru Friday. Oh man. I needed a vacation like you rarely hear about in real life. That last week I was practically a crazy person at work, dragging my weary ass over the days like a fly across flypaper. I swear to god I'd have left limbs behind to get out of there.

I envisioned several days of lard-ass resting in front of movies and video games, followed by several days of serious cleaning and re-organizing, including ALL the laundry (yes, even that big canvas bag of blankets and throw rugs) interspersed with some great workouts, even greater elaborately cooked meals and even greater-er sex, some website work, lots of writing and even more reading. Bliss! That's all I wanna DO. All that stuff. that's a great vacation to me.

So how pissed was I when I woke up on Christmas fucking morning with that feeling. You know that feeling. That throat-itching, mucus-eyed crabby feeling immediately followed by riotous bouts of sneezing and a feeble 'Fug, I theeg I'm sig.'

Knocked flat. Nine days. Joey took care of me with juice and gingerale and tea and soup, and a lot of sympathy. My sweet sweetie.

I didn't go to work today. I still feel like ass, though the main symptoms are gone now. Just some of that flaky nose snot residue and leftover acheyness.

Not fucking fair.

Oh yeah, and happy new year.

*Maybe four, five days sick all year, and one or two of those were really just lame, desperate grasps at some sorely-needed "me" time where I weepingly overreacted to an eyeball-aching morning sinus headache and called in sick for the whole day even though I was probably better in an hour and could have gone to work. What, like you've never done it.

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