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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!


(September 28, 2006)

You know what. I fucking hate Macs. Can't stand 'em. So there. It's 4am and I'm writing this on Joe's Mac because he is sleeping like normal people do and my office is right off the bedroom. So I'm in his studio. And I hate this keyboard, I hate this mouse, I hate the way you can't tell if you're online or not until you try a webpage and get a "you are not connected" error. I hate that it keeps asking me if I want to disconnect. I hate that I can't easily find the program directory or see which applications are open. I hate that it thinks it's smarter than me and keeps trying to do shit that I had no intention of doing. Stop trying to anticipate me, you Apple piece of crap. I want to right-click, dammit.

The Boston Music Awards were interesting tonight. Odd vibe; clique-y, meaning that there were small factions of fans who yelled out for certain nominees when those nominees names were called out, but a certain lack of general energy. So it was like this a lot: "For Album of the Year, the nominees are...Aberdeen City..."

(Greeted by silence)

"Nothing, huh? OK. Frank Smith..."

(Greeted by a smattering of "yay")

"Reverend Glasseye"

(Greeted by a loud cheer)

"Oh THERE you go, ok..."

I thought it was just me, but then Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione (aka The Dresden Dolls, who took home a few wins) sort of pointed it out when they took the podium. I forget how they phrased it but when they said "are you guys feeling a certain lack of enthusiasm?" or whatever they said, I thought "yeah, it is weird in here, what's goin' on?" Then they said that "despite everything" they "love this fuckin' town." Also, Brian wore a bear suit tonight. I didn't ask him how come. He was pretty much incognito the whole night in that suit. I knew it was him in there because Reverend Glasseye told me early on. Viggy seemed to be having a GREAT time, dancing around and stuff, especially when Gang Green played, at which point he launched a magnificent stage dive. But then again, how can you not have a good time whilst wearing a bear suit? You'd better damn well have a good time, otherwise you're just a grump with a sweaty crotch and compromised visibility.

So Nemo is tomorrow (night) and Friday and Saturday all day and night. I should go to sleep. I'll need my energy to find the Cyclorama, which I have heard of but never been to...why's it called the Cyclorama? I can't believe we're still giving stuff names that end in -rama. Maybe it was named in the 70s.

Speaking of "can't believe we're still...", I saw a guy on a motorcycle tearing down Comm Ave like he was on fire. Loud, obnoxiously HUGELY loud rev on that thing. And then he pulled a wheelie. A wheelie? Still, really? Wheelies? I told Anngelle tonight on the way from Avalon to the train. She laughed and said, "Where was he riding back from, 1987?" HA! Exactly.


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