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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

Bush, Wack

(August 01, 2003)

Alright, I finished my resume, okay? Jeez. YES it sucks. All resumes suck. Oh and you know what? While trying to fit my myriad accomplishments onto one page, I was thrown back into a memory of the satisfaction of having actually gotten shit done for a lot of years there at GiantSuckingSound.com, and I had a fleeting thought...that maybe...just maybe GiantSuckingSound.com wasn't so bad after all, and I was maybe just burnt out from nine years of answering the same questions from new idiots. So I went to the website. Planning to click on "Employment Opportunities." And my stomach heaved just LOOKING at the splash page with its same sickening colors, overly busy mess of a design, and all the utter crap therein!

Never again.

Some good people there, though. Mostly in California. Anybody who thinks nothing of having "an earthquake kit" in the trunk of her car is okay in my book. I mean, if I need an earthquake kit...yeah, see...I'd just move to a place where I could be PRETTY sure the ground will be in the same place tomorrow as it is tonight, with me on it.


So I was talking to Hub about the Bush gay marriage issue. He's all, "That is so going to piss off the moderates." Um, ya think? Yeah, I'd say all of the gay population and yes, all or most of the moderates, no? I can't think of anyone I know personally, except my 90 year old grandmother, who would vote AGAINST gay marriage, and I'm not even sure about her.

God, I have got to call her. *whimper* If you're new here to Jungle Sweet Jungle, you don't know this, but my grandma, Maggie? Um...she's a nightmare. I mean, we'll cry when she's gone but I swear to god, a nightmare. I nearly die in Switzerland of perforated diverticulitis? What do you think was the first thing she asked me when I talked to her? (This is barked out in a sharp voice, shrill, accusatory): "DJA LOSE ANY WEIGHT."

Seriously though. There should be two of her guarding the gates of hell.

Then I tried to think of the most conservative person I know, which is when I realized that the most conservative person I know? IS gay. It's my Jeffrey, in New York. He's a gifted composer, an exquisite organist and piano player (meaning he's poor like every other independent musician) and he's gay. And voted for Bush. Young, musician, gay? Jeff, honey, what IS that? You disapprove of your OWN lifestyle??

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