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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

Contains The Word "Fart"

(May 20, 2003)

I'm editing Noise copy and watching Pretty In Pink on AMC. Did you know that Pretty In Pink is an American Movie Classic now? Hm. If I remember when it came out, and it's a "classic" doesn't that mean that I'm OLD? What's next, Culture Club on Oldies 103? Nooooo, the pop culture of my formative years can't be classic yet. Not yet! NOT WHEN I STILL HAVE O RING BRACELETS!

Something has always bugged me about Pretty In Pink. I know I've brought this up in social circles before and I get the usual blank stare. But this is my freakin' diary and I'll say it again: In the original story, Andie and Duckie end up together. All the signs point to it. A million things! For example, you know when she says "I hope I'm not the only one in the world who knows what an incredible person you are," while they're studying the Warsaw Pact in Andie's room? They're best friends who have everything in the world in common-- they NEED to end up together, is that not the better story? How could she ever be happy with Blaine. Seriously! Jesus Christ! His name DOES sound like a major appliance, and all that prom bullshit was unforgiveable.

I know, you love this movie. To most of you, rooting for the Duckman probably sounds like a horribly egregious body slam to the Gen X cultural backbone. I might as well say to a four year old, "Can we DISCUSS Cinderella? First of all those shoes are totally impractical..."


The other day I heard something on the news. It was one of those half-heard fact snippets that knocks around in your subconscious for a few days before you go, "I have gotta look this up." A reporter said "blah blah blah Operational Defiant Disorder, or ODD..." followed by, I swear, an explanation that this disorder is when kids are...blah blah blah, a lot of crap that bascially means "brats." Are you freakin' kidding me with this?

I looked it up. Check this shit out:

    Wed, March 5, 2003
    Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    By Alyson Powell
    KWCH 12 Eyewitness News

    Alongside ADD and ADHD, there's a condition called Operational Defiant Disorder or ODD. One out of every 25 kids could have this behavioral disorder. Psychologists says ODD is a consistent pattern of negative, hostile, defiant, disobediant behavior that interferes with functioning.



OR, and this is only a theory: your rugrats are so alien to you because you leave them to be raised by strangers all day. Therefore A)you, as the parents, are not giving them nearly enough nurturing and attention so vital in their childhood years and B)you're so guilt-ridden about that that when you DO get to spend time with your progeny you let them freakin' walk all over you and they will never respect your authority! One of you. Stay. Home. And. Raise. Your. KIDS. That is your JOB. You signed on for it when you had the sex!


Lexikahn: I have to finish this puppet.
cpukmel: i have to eat this unfortunately shaped pork. brb.
Lexikahn: Unfortunately Shaped Pork. Now THERE is a band name.
cpukmel: HEY! Adam snarted once
Lexikahn: LOL. Um...I assume you are reading my Fart Amplifying Chair entry.
cpukmel: yes
Lexikahn: Farting, and bananas, are always funny. I think that is what I'll have etched onto my tombstone.

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