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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!


(August 13, 2001)

It's August WHAT? Okay, getting WAY too far behind. Time for a quickie little index of non-sequitors each of which may or may not be expanded upon later.

1) I may have single-handedly broken up a new band that's barely toweled off the sweat from their maiden show. Because of a piece I wrote on them. Which got them all mad at each other. (Note to self: never interview band members separately. They'll answer your questions honestly, and that's apparently not as good as it sounds).

2) My grandfather died. Not the angry abusive one that wasn't really related to me and hated everyone and everything-- THAT one died a few years ago. This one WAS related to me, but he was in a mental institution...for forty-nine years. That's my mother's whole life, meaning not only had I, the grandaughter, never met the man, but neither had my mother, the daughter. However, that didn't stop Maggie from making everyone "care" by saying, "Uncle Sammy was asking for you." Uncle who? I have never in my life (and neither had my mother) heard the name "Uncle Sammy," but apparently he was asking that we attend the services. Fine then.

3) I had dinner with Brian and he's totally serious.

4) So busy, I didn't even open Paula's evite to Aaron's surprise party until today...the party was yesterday. (Surprise). See, I know when Aaron's birthday is. It's next week. So the SURPRISE no doubt worked because Paula did the party a week early. Smart. Sadly, it was getting started right around the time I was pulling up to the workplace for a Sunday visit to my desk. Ooookay. However, HAD I gone, I would absolutely have gone to Paula and Aaron's place instead of Shari's, as Lisa and Kev did. I, like Lisa, also pride myself on reading comprehension, and yet it was only when I read Lisa's entry that I realized the thing was at Shari's. Now wouldn't that have been a hoot, me and Hub meeting Lisa and Kev on the sidewalk outside chez TapKelley. Four dumbasses with wine and cheese.

5) That wedding a few weeks ago? In a nutshell: the ceremony was a disaster, the reception was totally interesting and different. We had a fun table, and we're all going to hell.

6) Danny and the Deep Blue Sea, the off-off Broadway play that my brother was doing, was actually really good. I'm embarrassed to say I was moved enough to shed tears and forgot from time to time during the show that it was my brother. He may actually be good at acting. A couple of good parts came out of it, I'll post more on those later. (No, he's not playing Al Pacino's butt. Maybe Denis Leary's.)

I know there's more than that, it's late and I have a million things to do...

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