
LisaMcC - 2008-03-14 06:44:16
Heh. Thanks. I was too busy looking for the giant zit on my chin, and when I couldn't obsess over that, I became convinced that my head is misshapen. And THIS is why I will never do tv again.
Jess - 2008-03-14 22:52:42
A) Great. Now I have to go eat a bowl of pasta. THANKS, Lexi! (I am incredibly impressionable) B) I'm learning Spanish too. I watched "The Punisher" in Spanish when I was in Costa Rica a couple of months ago. It was pretty much the same as it was in English. HOTT! (I didn't much listen to what anyone was saying anyway. I was too busy lusting over the Punisher who mostly sat around shirtless in his room drinking whiskey and plotting revenge) C)Great. Now I have to go have sex with The Punisher. THANKS Lexi!
Lexi - 2008-03-16 04:02:42
HA, sorry Jess. Now I want to see The Punisher! And now I want pasta again...I too am impressionable...this could cause an endless loop.

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