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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

June 17, 2007

(June 17, 2007)



For one thing. I'm staying at my job for at least five months. When last you checked here, funky-assed awesome reader, I hated my job and I'd been hardcore-serious looking for a new position. Somewhere that could be called a smarter career move. Put simply, some job description with the words "writer" or "editor" in it. So miserable was it, daily, at work, that I even considered reverting back to the freelancing thing (ye olde lifestyle of 2002-2004 which was fabulous for flexible hours but sucked stankbutt for actually having any money.) But things have improved at work about, I'd say, 95%. What happened? Couple things. One, we lost some deadweight, gained a couple of crackerjack folks with sunny personalities to match their open minds and enthusiasm. Night and day, friends. Night and fucking day. And I got a promotion and a considerable pay raise for staying -- I told the boss I would give it six months. That was a month ago. So far so good. Cautious optimism.

I've been so busy with work, cooking healthy nightly (we were eating entirely too much take-out), trying (in vain) to keep Low Budget Superhero current, and doing crossword puzzles (shut up), that I haven't ready anyone else's online diaries. I took some time to catch up today, and I can't believe Jess lost her baby. Oh, Jess! Fucking hell, why do all the good people get shit dumped on them? Jess is just one of those people that come along far too rarely. She's beautiful. GREAT rack, I'm talking legendary. Smart in all the right ways even though she didn't take the usual edu-macational path. Must be pretty talented at her job based on the jobs she's had. I love her singing voice. She's funny as fuck. She reads a lot, likes good movies, good food, travels -- she just DOES stuff. Who gets married dressed as Marilyn Monroe-as-a-vampire?

Plus I have a weird bond with Jess because she and her ex had almost the same exact trajectory as me and my ex -- got together really young, had a whole structured life built around a solid household for ten-some-odd years, then sort of drifted into a. . . not a rut exactly, but with the knowledge that something was missing, we moved on. And left friends and family confused as to why, if you're still friends with the guy, you broke up? And even though new, passionate relationships have been found and defined as "long term" by now, still retain friendship with the ex. She even has weird health issues like I do; who ever heard of perforating diverticulitis? Well I had it. Jess has pleurisy, which I had to look up.

She'd carried the baby long enough to name him. Jack.

I don't drink a whole lot, but tonight I'ma have a glass of wine. To Jack.

To Jack!

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