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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

Tongue Shock Imminent, Lick Carefully

(February 12, 2004)

OH MAN, the days are flying and spinning and running together. I feel like if I don't do a recap my head will fly off. Let's see...do I have this right? Last Thursday I was so blearily sick, Neil picked up me and Joe from Joe's place and they dropped me off home (where I promptly fell into a fitful NyQuil sleep) and the boys went to the Abbey to see the Valhalla Kittens. I know I talked to Joe later online (no phone still!) but I don't remember what about.

Friday I slept a shockingly long time. Holy lost-days, Batman. This is why being sick sucks. When I awoke, sweaty, snot crudded around my nose, throat dry and scratchy, the digital clock glared 4:03 and I honestly had NO idea if that was AM or PM. It turned out to be PM. Got online, started to put in some billable hours...needless to say I stayed home on Friday night and worked on feeling better.

Saturday I felt better. Neil picked me up and we got Joe and had Chinese at this place in Allston. I warmed up with some Won Ton Soup. Back at Joe's I blew my nose, discovered a soccer channel that seems to have changed Joe's life in the subsequent days, and went to sleep.

Sunday...I think...yes, I felt a million times better. Me and Joe went to Michelle and Aaron's for a Monty Python-athon (cute name, right? Michelle came up with that one and that's why she rocks). Joe hadn't seen "Meaning of Life" but Aaron has it on DVD, and Aaron hadn't seen any "Flying Circus" episodes but Joe has those on DVD. Chris and Kristen and X and Brad and Michelle and I had, I'm pretty sure, seen that movie and at least some of those episodes. The dogs did their best to eat my napkins. I think at one point Sam, the Doberman, made off with the hunk of cheese from the cheese and cracker plate. Huh huh.

Monday...MondayMondayMonday. OH yes! The phone, the phone! Oh wait, backtrack first: Without a phone, I needed some help setting up the order because see, the order I'd placed online with Verizon of COURSE went into a black hole, so Michelle called for me earlier in the week. I'd tried to get Joe to do it, but he can't pretend to be ME like a chick could, so he'd have had to pretend to be my husband. Husband, what was I thinking. He doesn't even want to say that he's my boyfriend.

"It's like being turned down
for fifty cents and asking
for a million dollars."

We just don't talk about it anymore. As of riiiiiight NOW. That'll be our elephant in the middle of the room.

So Michelle called Verizon, and MONDAY the PHONE GUY CAME, YAY! Try to call me, it rules. Same number. *sigh*

Tuesday was the Rock N Roll Social at the Abbey. It was a weird one! Slow starter, but totally packed. I'd arranged to meet Wolf there to pick up flyers and postcards for Mardi Gras (February 21st at the Middle East!). Then Courtney was online and said "yes" to going, and I told her that Neil was picking me up, so we picked HER up en route and all three of us plus Wolf were the only ones there for fifteen minutes! Then Michelle and Aaron got there and more people and it was cool. Schmoozy. But Neil and I had to leave after an hour because not one, but TWO Kowalskis were waiting in Allston for us-- Joe, to work on a song with Neil, and Jen, Joe's sister, to have dinner with me. We girls ("One Name Two Girl" it said on our check, which killed me and will be the name of our fantasy band that we'll never start) got chicken soup (me) and salad (Jen) at Uno's and got so, so silly walking home. Mostly because at CVS (getting drinks for the boys) Jen bought a candy ring pop that lights up.

"Okay, this thing is a lawsuit waiting to happen. What happens when you lick down to the light source!?"

She opened it halfway back to Joe's and proceeded to blink from the finger for the rest of the night. At some point, between giggly demonstrations of the song Neil and Joe have written, playing of retarded songs, and viewings of various Schoolhouse Rock episodes, she put the blinking-ring-pop in the garbage. Where it continued to blink. Joe put the lid on the garbage can and it lit up like Christmas at regular intervals.

Last night that ring pop was STILL blinking! These things are a freakin' riot. Lighted candy. Get one! You'll love it!

This morning I took the train/bus combo home. And here I must point out something, a rather important something, and I should inform Robby and the other Sweatpant Boners about this something. After riding the bus for all this time since Hub and I "gave back" the car (they call it voluntary repossession) I'll tell ya...a dude need not actually HAVE a boner to be offensive in sweatpants. It's just wrong. And for some reason, the rule seems to be at least one sweatpant-wearing guy on every bus. And I for one am really tired of accidentally seeing fleece penis sculptures courtesy of Russell Athletic wear. Bus-riding guys: please go home and put on some goddamn pants.

Froze my ass off waiting for the bus, too. Dammit. But I got home and worked all day, crashed for awhile, then woke up and worked some more. My plans for tonight got changed when an email came 'round saying that the Family Jewels got cancelled. I was gonna go. After I was gonna go see the Kittens at the Abbey, but I didn't. As far as I got was grabbing some food with Neil at this cool place I've found around the corner from my new digs.

After dinner I really needed to put in some more billable hours. Which I have been doing up until banging out this entry.

And that brings us up to date.


God, even I'M bored and it's my life.

So how YOU doin'?

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