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You're reading an old entry from Michelle "Lexi Kahn" DiPoala's online diary, formerly called Jungle Sweet Jungle. Blog name changed to Low Budget Superhero in October 2005. Now I mostly go by SuperLowBudge. You can call me Lexi, Michelle or SuperLowBudge, or if you're my mom, then Shelly. Enjoy these old posts (except if you're my mom.) Please follow on Blogger at superlowbudge.blogspot.com. From there you can follow me on Twitter and some other platforms. Thanks!

It's Dinner AND Entertainment!

(September 30, 2002)

"Hub! All your food is touching." A cucumber slice from the tomato & cucumber salad had defected over the border into the steamed carrots, and a grilled sirloin tip was snuggling up to a tomato. My own plate was far more organized. I don't like to think of myself as nit-picky, but I cannot have the dill from the carrots all up in the salad's basil.

"Argh!" Hub said, and quickly set up border patrol, accomplished by forking all meats and vegetables into their proper rank and file. "It's like a colossal game of Food Capture the Flag. You know, they ALWAYS wanted us to play Capture the Flag. But I think it was too much for kids. It's involved. It requires strategy and teamwork. Yet they ALWAYS wanted us to play it."

"Who's this they. I ain't never been asked to capture no flag."

"No? All the time, as kids. Wherever I was."

"Must have been at your dorky brainy camps. We played kickball in Waterbury."

"NOooooo. Or...well yeah, but it wasn't ONLY at the dorky brainy camps, it was other places too."

"School, perhaps?"


"Yeah. Dude, you went to Renbrook. School for gifted children, right?"

"No, it wasn't a school for gifted children. Selective admission, but that probably had more to do with money. As evidenced by my dumber classmates who couldn't play Capture the Flag. Huge teams on either side, it took awhile to play...it's like a war game. "

"It IS a war game. That's exactly what it is."

"It needs, like, a team captain to get things organized."

"I think that's the idea. Getting the kids to work together, plan, strategize."

"It even has P.O.W.'s. But without the bamboo under the fingernails and all that."

"I NEVER SAW A WILD THING SORRY FOR ITSELF..." I yelled out in my best drill sergeant drawl.

"A bird will drop frozen dead from a bough..." answered Hub in his.

"Yes SUH, Massa Chief!" in my best Demi Moore rasp.

"Oh brother," said Hub in his best 'Oh god, not a movie quotes contest' voice.

"Whoah," I said in my best Keanu-as-Ted voice,"I just totally loogied on those good dead us'es..."

"(Groan) HOW come I started talking about Capture the Flag??"

"All your food was touching."

"Well THAT was a bit of a tangent!"

"Are you new?" He's not new, he just forgets what I'm like sometimes.

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